Cracking The Marching Band Code

Band trailer sponsorships – the trailer was purchased almost 5 years ago thanks to generous donations by our sponsors. If you paid for those regular expenses using a gift card purchased from the HHS Band Scrip Program, you would get a rebate on each purchase, a rebate that goes straight into your student’s CHARMS fundraising account. The rescheduled Band Booster Meeting is Thursday, October 11th at 6:30pm in the HHS Band Room. We are selling Howell crates for $30 each ($15 of which will go directly to the HHS band student who sold it to you.) If you do not request a band member, the money will go back to the Band Boosters to help support things like repairing equipment, our band trailer needs, and buying new vests or jackets for the band. Those sponsorships will expire this year and we are looking for potential sponsors and/or someone to help solicit business or individual sponsorships. The AmazonSmile program will help us do even more. If you have not already used the AmazonSmile program, you can select Howell Band Boosters as your beneficiary, and every time you shop on Amazon, you raise funds in support of band initiatives. You are welcome to attend either time but, we recommend the 3rd hour time slot as that will probably have more open seats.

You do NOT need to be a Prime member and it costs you nothing more on your purchases! Below is the link to the New Marching Band Member Orientation slide show. This page exists to show you how to get started. Show bands the main role of performing at sporting events and competitions. Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble members of Jazz Band along with select Choir groups will be performing at the school’s Holiday Assembly on Friday, December 20th during 2nd (8:29) and 3rd (9:23) hours. They will be performing the same selections that were performed at our Holiday Concert. Dan Zeppa of DZ Productions is taking our class photos for the yearbook on Tuesday, January 28th. Students in Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Highlander Band, Concert Band and Percussion Ensemble should wear or bring their concert attire to school that day if they want to be included in the group photo. Thursday: (Concert Day). May 13th – PLEASE WEAR SOMETHING NICER! If selected for Drum Corps Videos LCHB, rehearsals will be held at Howell High School on January 22nd and 29th with an all day rehearsal at the Tasch Center in Pinckney on Monday, February 3rd and concert at 7 p.m.

Auditions will be held at the Howell High School band room on Wednesday, Drum Corps Videos January 8th from 4 to 6:30 p.m. YOU KNOW I WILL TALK TO ANYBODY. At the time they didn’t know how wise that was. Oh yeah, the girls didn’t do that kind of stuff then. Have you visited Athens – Greece yet? We have you covered. Room sign ups will be posted in the band room for students to sign up on January 22nd and finalized by January 24th. You must have a minimum of $510 paid by January 20th and all paperwork turned in to sign up for a room. If you sign in and Drum Corps Videos go to the “find music” section and select solos, you can find pieces of music for your instrument. You can also find payment coupons on page 13 of the packet if you need to mail your payment to the trip company. You might find they do understand the big picture, but they have a faulty perspective, or have no clue at all.

Band trailer – Chris and Tawnya Benn have graciously and wonderfully taken care of and hauled our band trailer for the past 2 years. Band camp forms are also available in the band room. Band Camp Dates – August 9 – 13, 2020! Dates for band camp 2020 are confirmed! MARCHING BAND CAMP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS DUE THIS THURSDAY, APRIL 4TH! Please click on what is needed, print it, fill it out in full and turn it in by the due date. NEW YORK. Mrs. Allegoet is going to have a form for all the people that bought the insurance to fill out. We will have more detailed info available in March. MORE ON THIS WILL BE HAPPENING AS THE SERVERS CATCH UP WITH THE TRAFFIC. And even more rarer still is when they proclaim the errors of their religion. YOU ARE GOOD KIDS AND I’M STILL PROUD OF YOU. Shirts and ties are here and can be picked up next Tuesday, November 26th during class!