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“The key to electing an African American to a statewide office in Mississippi is voter registration, voter engagement and voter participation,” said Rep. Sonya Williams Barnes, D Gulfport, who chairs the Legislative Black Caucus.”The African American voter population in our state has substantial numbers to ensure our representation in a statewide elected position, but these three key points musttake place.”SaidMcLemore: “The tragedy is that we always seem to wait for elections to have voter registration drives. We should have ongoing voter registration We have to become more sophisticated.”.

Trump said he wasn delivering any verdict about where an Israeli Palestinian border should lie. Ally should be rewarded for creating a successful democracy where of all faiths are free to live and worship. We finally acknowledge the obvious, he said, emphasizing that he wouldn follow past presidents who tiptoed around Jerusalem out of diplomatic caution.

9: pack of Corona beer valued at $10 stolen from grocery store; case closed; prosecution declined. Sept. Sept. TALLAHASSEE Florida A coach Ken Riley knows that what a player does on the field is more important than what he does in the weight room, but that didnt stop Riley from intensely studying the veteran Rattlers strength and speed drills Saturday. What the seventh year coach saw was a team about as fit as any other hes had this early in the season. But Riley said its important not to put too much cre dence in the results.

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Enhanced sensitivity is not always a blessing, though. Grocery store is a nightmare, she says. Like a trash pile of colour coming in at every angle. “In high school, we didn’t have to use a lot of aggressive baseball because we were so dominant. Once I got here and (Cannizaro) laid out the plan and our philosophy, it was like somebody let me out of a cage. I bought into it and it really works in my favor because of my ability to work a count and get on base.”.

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