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Butts, Jeffrey Castro, Ashley Chase, Bernadette E. Christman, Joseph V. Davis, Collin Dlugosh, Jarome Evans, Santauge G. Their photographs show the northern city of Jerash slowly enveloping Roman ruins there. Other photos show site after site bulldozed, roads cut through Nabatean temples and Roman forts, and a Neolithic cemetery ransacked by looters. An Umayyad palace visible 10 years ago is now gone, razed to make way for an olive orchard..

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Macko, Julia J. Makowski, Juliauna A. Mason, Ifrah Mehran, Kurtis M. These popular social movements reassured people in the face of a frightening universe, offering plausible insight into the unknown side of human nature and hope of salvation in this world in an epoch of triumphal atheistic science (Leahey, 2005). The twin spectres of spiritualism and psychic phenomena particularly disturbed the founding materialist psychologists and threatened their secular faith in science (Coon, 1992). For most North American psychologists, the psychological and the physical were parallel and separate, not causally related.Now, if we understand Psychology as operating on the contested boundary between the natural and the supernatural, we can appreciate how anxious founding psychologists were to legitimize their disciplinary claim that their inquiries into psychological phenomena were as truly objective as any natural science.