custom candle label size custom soy candle label supplier

what’s up everybody i’m Tim from
Timber Ridge Gifts. In this video i’m

going to be showing you guys how to make
your very own Candle labels. So all we’re

gonna need for this is just a little bit
of creativity some Avery labels and some

free software from
So let’s climb inside the computer and

see what is all about. Ok so
the first thing we’re gonna do I’ll just

leaders go – Avery calm now you will
have to create an account it’s a free

account it doesn’t cost you anything to
open or maintain the account and he

creates your own project list where you
can store all of your work so I’m gonna

go ahead and sign into my account and we
are assigned in so the first step in

designing our label is to go over here
to templates we’re gonna go to find a

template and from here we can see the
different product categories if we don’t

already know exactly what we’re looking
for we can at least look around in here

and narrow down until we find what we
actually want for the project we’re

working on so let’s say we want to do
mason jar Campbell we want to do a label

for the lid well obviously that’s gonna
be round so we’re gonna go to the round

labels and we can scroll through the
different options looking at the

dimensions the paper type number of
labels per sheet until we actually find

what we want so for this project we’re
going to be using template number 22 830

and incidentally in case anybody was
wondering I have chosen 22 830

specifically for this video because it
just happens to be the exact perfect

size for a standard sized mason jar lid
so for those of you making mason jar

candles there’s your bonus tip for the
day let’s hop back into the computer so

22 830 is gonna work out great for us
before we move on to the next screen I

do want to point out some of these
templates are available with the we

print option basically what that means
is you can either print it yourself or

this is one of the products at
offers to print for you so let’s say you

didn’t have a printer you can still
design your template and then just

purchase the finished product from Avery
comm so however we choose to purchase or

print it we’ve got to design it first so
to get started doing that we’re going to

go ahead and click on the template we

you know it start designing and that
brings us to page 1 of our design

dashboard and these are the different
design templates that are available for

this specific product every product
members gonna have a different set of

designs available for it 22 a 30 happens
to be one of the more popular ones so

it’s a quite a few it’s got over 1,300
designs that you can actually choose

from so pretty much any design you want
for your label you’re going to be able

to find it a couple of ways we can do
that we can just go through the list it

gives us some different categories we
can look in we can just scroll through

the entire list ourselves
or if we have something specific in mind

there is a quick search option so let’s
say we want our candle labels to be for

a rainbow custom candle label supplier this type rainbow into
the search bar and it’ll bring up just

about every rainbow related template
that it has so of the rainbow templates

that it’s given us let’s say we like
this one the best select that as our

design now it moves us on to the
customization tab which is where we will

begin to design our candle label to look
exactly how we want it now the great

thing about the preset designs is they
are still in layers so we still can’t do

some customization to them even though
they’re kind of already preset for

example let’s say I love this background
but that unicorn is just weird

so we can actually get rid of the
unicorn let’s say I do want lettering on

the label but I’m not ready for it and I
don’t really like that font so we can

actually go ahead and get rid of that as
well so this is now my blank slate if

you will I’m ready to start customizing
it and making it look exactly how about

one many different ways we can do that
and for that we’re gonna be using this

side bar over here let’s start with the
image we got rid of the one unicorn but

I still want something in the middle so
let’s check out our options there click

on image go to add image and it brings
up the different options we can choose

from so the first tab is gonna be our
computer file let’s say we have a file

saved on our computer that we want to
add gonna go and look for the file

and there is there’s my little unicorn
man doing the dab dabbing whatever you

call it we can use the dimension markers
to resize it if we wanted to move it

pretty much anywhere we wanted to we’re
just gonna place it there now from here

we can move on and add text or other
elements to our design but I don’t

really like that one so we’re gonna go
and get rid of him we’re gonna go back

to our images now we’re gonna check out
our Avery gallery and here it has tons

of designs and images that we can use
that are all totally free from

you can see over here to the right it’s
got different categories that it breaks

it down in so pretty much anything you
were looking for you should be able to

find it in one of these categories like
here and some reason this little hippo

was speaking to me we’re gonna go and
select him it’ll add him to our design

and again we can resize it and place it
wherever we want and we like him right

about there let’s make him a little bit
bigger so now that we have our

background and our design set we need to
add our text of label because without

text it’s really just a sticker and
because it’s a product label it has to

say something so we’re gonna go over to
our text we’re going to add our text box

and it’ll come up there then highlight
it and change it to what we want to say

all right so we’ve got it’s a happy
birthday we’re gonna make birthday

candles apparently now says what I want
but it just doesn’t look right I don’t

like the color I don’t like the font so
we need to change that to change the

color we’ll just come over here to the
color wheel and then here is where we

change it it’s got a series of more
popular preset colors we can pick one of

those if we like it automatically
changes it for us we’ll just click apply

or if for some reason we were looking
for a more specific color we can

actually go to our color wheel click
anywhere on the color wheel we want

click and drag to get the exact shade
that we are looking for

so I think I like that one so we’re
gonna go with that one I apply that and

there’s our happy birthday text in the
exact shape we wanted now that looks

okay it’s but because we’re doing a
round label we do have the option of

adding curved text so I’m gonna get rid
of that sorry tanks we’re gonna go to

add curved text so there is the curved
text that we wanted it’s at the wrong

part of the label though easy enough to
fix we’ll just go down here to the

orientation and we can add it to the
bottom now it’s actually put it

backwards well though we can fix that
right here and just like that we have

our text curved at the bottom the way we
want now we can just add our text back

so it says what we want we’ve got it
where we want it’s the color that we

want with that text is just horrendous
so we’re gonna go over to our to our

font options
it’s got maybe 30 different fonts you

can choose from you can scroll down you
can click on each one

it’ll preview it for you
and once you’re happy with it you can

just let that be I think I liked the
luckiest guy the best so that is gonna

be our text won’t and if we weren’t
happy with the size we can rehydrate

you can notice it forms a box right here
that is the safety dimensions of that

particular element we are adding to the
label so let’s say we thought about

making our text a little bit bigger

as you can see that is triggered a
safety warning the text is going out of

the safety area you can see the safety
area box will come up all these red

lines will come up and they’ll actually
give you a warning down here telling you

what the problem is what’s happened is
the text has gone out of our safety area

that dotted circle right there that’s
actually the outer dimension of our

label so if we were to leave that as it
is it will let us lead that but when we

printed it that part of its going to be
cut off so we’re gonna resize our text

to the proper size so we’ve got our
background our design our text but now

we need it personalized in just a little
bit so let’s just say these are gonna be

birthday candles for a kid’s birthday
party and there’s gonna be several

little girls at the party each one gets
her own candle we’re gonna go ahead and

add another text box and then we’re
gonna add the little girl’s name no

it’ll resize it make it look a little
bit better okay so now we’ve got it

personalized but our color reverted back
to black we wanted to have the same

color as the happy birthday that is
super easy to do we’re just gonna click

on the happy birthday it brings us back
to the options we chose and go back into

our color wheel and the color code down
here each color has its own specific six

digit code so to copy that code to use
it again we’re just going to highlight

it right click copy cancel it now we’re
back on the name portion we want to

customize color of that let’s go down to
our pillow block

paste the color that we used and apply
it there we go now they’re the same coat

and those are the basics of designs
folks there’s a million other features

in this software that you’re never gonna
use but for someone just starting out

this is really all you need we checked
out the template we chose the size and

the template that we needed it took us
to our design page we chose the exact

design that we wanted once we get to
customize it we can customize any type

of design or lettering that we want just
one more thing to show you there are

different editing options for one sheet
of labels for this particular template

it comes with nine labels per sheet well
so since these are personalized candles

for a birthday party we’re gonna need
each one to say a different little

girl’s name so since there’s gonna be
nine people at the party we need nine

different names on nine different labels
well we don’t want to print off nine

different sheets because then we’d have
eight labels for Jill one Waylon needed

one that would be a lot of waste so what
we can do is go over here to the Edit

one tab now we can highlight each
individual label that we want to

customize it shows us over here that
particular label we’re gonna leave that

one is Jill now we can move on to this
one that is label two of nine so we can

customize this with a different name and
we can just do the same for each label

on that sheet and even though I wasn’t
invited to the party I want my own

Candle so now rather than printing off
nine sheets that we don’t need we have

one sheet customized with nine
differently so we’re completely done

we’re very happy with the way it looks
now we can just go to a preview and

print it’s going to preview it for us
this is what it’s going to look like

when it prints and here are our printing
options we can print it ourselves or

like I said before this is one of the we
print options at

offers so if we didn’t have a printer or
we didn’t or we didn’t want to print

this ourselves we can’t actually
purchase this sheet of labels from Avery

comm and in their price list varies for
each different template but it’s going

to look something like this minimum
order is 18 so it will be two sheets of

labels there for paper
so we can get anywhere from 18 labels

all the way up to a thousand of these
labels but since we are set up to print

these ourselves that’s what we’re going
to do let’s click on print now if for

some reason the labels were misaligned
on your printer you can’t actually go in

here and make different printer
adjustments to kind of fine tune it to

get it perfectly centered these are
already lined up for my printer so we’re

gonna go to print now and it gives you
the option to save this is what I was

saying earlier when you have to sign up
for your account you actually kind of

created your own a project folder where
I say those to our account and then

those are saved to our account let’s go
ahead and see what that looks like we’re

gonna go to open and this is all of the
projects that we have saved open that

back up so we can design it today we can
come back tomorrow next week or a year

from now and it’ll still be there in our
project folder waiting on us to print

one last preview before we print it and
now we’re gonna print it just like we

would anything else

and there we go folks designed and
printed ourselves now we are ready to

label our campus review nothing to hook
you guys enjoyed this video hope it was

helpful there’s something I didn’t
answer feel free to ask any questions in

the comments I’ll do my best to answer
them you guys are new to my channel make

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all that out thanks for watching
everybody and I will see you next time