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The failure to save Goto had raised new concerns about the fate of al Kaseasbeh. Jordan’s government renewed an offer Sunday to trade Sajida al Rishawi, an al Qaida prisoner, for the pilot. Al Rishawi, a failed suicide bomber, faces death by hanging in Jordan for her role in a 2005 hotel attack that killed 60 people..

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The four participants that have already reached the 50 percent reduction mark will save an estimated 5,000 MMBTU (million British thermal units; one BTU is equivalent to the energy released by burning a match) and approximately $105,000 per year in energy savings. Once those savings have paid for the improvements, these business will enjoy reduced operating expenses for many years to come. These businesses are a diverse bunch, ranging from large commercial facilities to small nonprofit schoolhouses.

2 Dale Lawrence, Lisbon; 4. 113 Tommy Tompkins, Carthage; 5. Brian Curtis, Solon, 2. Jordan discussed the making of the movie; his concerns during filming; the critical casting of newcomer Jaye Davidson; and the film’s successful marketing campaign with the Weinstein brothers during a 30 minute post show discussion.Speaking to IFTN, Jordan said that his abiding memory of the period was one of “extreme poverty”. He added: “There was so little money to make that film that it was very, very difficult. I suppose it’s very hard to remember.”There was a sense that we were doing something quite special in a way because of all the themes the combination of politics and sexuality and gender issues, but it was really stripped down to a bone almost.

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Although it moved slowly in cutting ties with Livestrong, Nike “likely had no alternative” after the revelations of Armstrong’s doping, O’Keefe said. The Livestrong brand was too synonymous with Armstrong and consequently his cheating. The cyclist admitted to doping to win the Tour earlier this year, though he disputed portions of USADA’s account..

“We would be incredibly sad to see Houston leave the Country Club Plaza after more than three decades. We have done all we can to convince the management to stay and we hope to continue our dialogue with that end in mind. In the event they decide to close, we extend our sincerest thanks for all they have added to the Plaza over the years.