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He won in Italy and Spain, and he was on the verge of a third victory, this one in Scotland, that would earn him graduation to the European Tour.And he was ready to come home.He called Blake Smith, his manager at Hambric Sports, and told him, “I don’t even want to play.””I don’t want to say homesick. I was just tired of golf. Tired of traveling,” Koepka said.

The Franklin Institute celebrated the extraordinary contribution of 11 preeminent trail blazers in science, business and technology April 29 in the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial. Among the laureates, Microsoft co founder Bill Gates received the Bower Award for Business Leadership for his visionary leadership and philanthropic work. The $250,000 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science was awarded to W.

Brodeur, Taylor Lynne V. Brown, Elliot Burshtein, Elizabeth M. Butler, Amanda M. And for that matter, what liberal viewer would want him to? For all the comparisons to The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, The Opposition faces a greater challenge than those shows in lampooning the ludicrousness of life and media under President Trump. Even more than Fox News in the 1990s and early 2000s, the new, and newly empowered, branch of right wing media the show intends to spoof upends the typical anchor comic dynamic. Who the straight guy here and who the clown Jones or Klepper? Is Jones doing a bit when he describes liberals as “interdimensional invaders” hell bent on “intergalactic invasion”? Or is he dead serious? Who the adult in the room?.

“The woman is really a metaphor for the place. That’s why it’s called ‘Favela Love.’ When I was telling Seu George about that, he started singing about how much he loves Brazil and where Brazil fits in the world.” After nearly 20 years of releasing mesmerizing music, Talib Kweli stands as one of the world’s most talented and most accomplished rappers. Whether working with Mos Def as one half of Black Star, partnering with producer Hi Tek for Reflection Eternal, releasing landmark solo material or collaborating with Kanye West or Madlib, Kweli commands attention by delivering top tier lyricism, crafting captivating stories and showing the ability to rhyme over virtually any type of beat..