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“We’ve been one of the top teams in the country in fouling. We’ve got to limit that. A lot of things that are correctable. Beloved husband of Barbara, dear brother of Ray Kuby, Jane Kuby, Dennis Kuby, David Kuby and the late Rita Kuby. Loving uncle of Michael and Scott Kuby, Diane Miheli and Darlene Merritt. Father of Mark and Tim Kuby.

G, 6 0); Ken Schengrund (Sr. C, 6 4); Sam Wakai (Jr. G, 5 8); Jimmy Suseck (Jr. Notoriety for Nor Cal football hasn been big when I was in high school, but they won the championship this year and that was cool to see and hopefully that just builds the reputation a little bit, Swaim said during a phone interview on Friday from Dallas. Pretty cool to see the turnaround they made the difference from when I was there to now. Guys are getting looked at for recruiting.

We start off our show by speaking with Halifax Regional School Board chair Gin Yee about how they’re backing off from a request to have school caretakers monitor arrival times for school buses. And Steve Burns with theLiverpool Championship Host Society tells us about the upcoming2019 World Junior Curling Championships. Elite athletes will be sweeping into Liverpool for the event..