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Going to need strong performances from all of our pitchers, said Belomo. Defense needs to keep us in games. We are a small ball team and we will have to work to manufacture some runs, but I do believe we can compete with all the teams in this league.

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Looking every bit like golf next superstar, Spieth followed up Thursday record breaking 64 with a near perfect 66 to set a new Masters 36 hole scoring record. Spieth two day total of 130 also ties the all time best 36 hole major championship score and gives him a five shot lead at 14 under heading into the weekend at Augusta National.wasn trying to make statement or reach a certain point, he said. Didn know what any of these scores meant in history or anything like that.

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Clair Saints are set to square off in a double knockout tournament Friday and Saturday at Seneca College in North YorkThe No. 3 ranked Saints open Friday against the No.St. Clair has earned an OCAA medal in each of the last seven seasons, fake yeezy winning gold in 2009.First year pitcher Alexa Georgiou led the OCAA in victories with a 6 4 record and had a 3.22 ERA.

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