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Loria is a graduate of the former French Culinary Institute and spent a year in the kitchen at Bouley. You love the opulence of the bathroom, even though you have to skirt past the kitchen to get there. Tom Colicchio was spotted in Hillside just a few months ago, urging funding for food stamps.

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NOTES: In a salute to the Negro Leagues, the Royals wore mid 1920s cream and navy blue Kansas City Monarchs jerseys, while the Orioles were adorned in late 1920s Baltimore Black Sox jerseys. Royals backup C Brett Hayes is still looking for his first hit.

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There are the sponsors’ names on competitions, with the Heineken Cup perhaps the most ruthlessly effective of all deals, muting all mention of the rugby or the scope and nature of the tournament. Every mention of it is worth money: every newspaper report; every radio bulletin. Every time one kid talks to another kid about the match he ticks the box beside his name in a file that a marketing executive would never admit to making..

Maybe it’s also time for colleges to stop letting players take their uniforms jerseys, shoes and such. WHY would they put temptation in the hands of less than trustworthy, immature kids?? Stop giving Championship rings and trinkets. Seems that all they deserve is a Certificate of Accomplishment..

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