Secret About Can Dogs Eat Plantains

This is an article on the benefits of plantains to dogs.
If you are a dog owner and you do not know about this do not worry. I will explain all you need to know about this new super food that your pet may love. We have listed some of the benefits below. Want to read deeper article?

Can Dogs Eat Plantains?

Yes, dogs can eat plantain but it must be cooked raw plantain not cooked plantain. The reason why I say it cannot be cooked is because of the fiber content that is present in the plantain. As mentioned above about what can dogs eat cooked plantain or can they have raw plantain is a question that cannot be answered.

The best answer that can be given is that only experts and people who have used raw or cooked plantain in their daily meals can answer that question.

Why plantains for Dogs?

One of the reasons why dog owners opt to feed their dogs plantains chips is to help prevents them from becoming fatty.

Dogs love fat foods so this is one way that they can become fatty. The question here is how do the plantain chips help to prevents them from becoming fatty? Well, there are two reasons that are being mentioned.

The first reason being that the high salt content of the chips help to neutralize the effect of the high salt content of the fried plantains chips.

So, dogs do not get fat from the plantain but their sodium levels do not shoot up. This is a great help for many people, as one often gets tired of having a high salt intake.

The second reason why I am telling you this is because the cooked plantains that you use to feed your dogs is a great way to keep them from suffering from chronic health problems.

Chronic health problems are one of the biggest killers of dogs. So, if you keep their immune system healthy, then you will have less problems with them.

Dogs are one of the easiest species to keep healthy. They are able to maintain their health by eating raw or cooked vegetables and fruits.
You see, plantain contains an enzyme called “phytessence wakame”. This enzyme helps to improve the health of the dogs digestive system and also keeps their urine bacteriostatic (which means that it does not give off an unpleasant odor). It is this phytessence wakame that is helping to maintain the health of their immune system.

Can Dogs Have Plantains?

Now, here is the real answer to the question can dogs eat plantain. Yes, you can feed them too but just remember that the best type to feed your dog would be cooked. Plantains are best mixed with cooked white rice or brown rice, but never with boiled rice as it contains too much starch.

One of the other benefits of plantains to dogs that you may not be aware of is that some unripe plantains contain trace amounts of latex which can cause a blockage issue in some dogs. However, most dogs do not suffer from this problem as latex is very small.
As with anything else fed to dogs, it is always best to check with your vet first to make sure that you are not causing a health problem for your dog and/or causing damage to their intestinal tract.

Problem: Plantains for Dogs

Another common problem that can occur with unripe plantains is that they can become a breeding ground for parasites such as flatulence and gas.

While it is highly unlikely that a dog consuming green plantains will develop a gas blockage or a flatulence issue, it is still something to consider. Again, if you notice that your dog seems to be having problems when eating green plantains, it is best to remove it and introduce a different type of diet.
You can also use digestive enzymes added to the unripe plantains during processing to help get rid of gas issues that are associated with plants.

So now you have the real answer to the question can dogs eat plantains? They can eat the occasional serving but they are not advised to over-do it.

Remember, not all plants are good for your dog. Some contain too much starch, which can cause bloating and intestinal blockage while others can cause gas and flatulence. As a general rule, stay away from starchy vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, squash, corn, peas and corn bread as well as green vegetables like kale and cabbage.

In addition, dogs eat plantains because they are high in fiber. While many people believe fiber to be unnecessary, dogs absolutely love them! If your dog's need to be constantly full, the high fiber content in the unripe plantains will keep them feeling full.
At the same time, the high water content of the greens will keep them hydrated. As long as the dog likes the consistency, there is no reason why they shouldn't enjoy the treat. If you want to read about dog Foods writing awesome articles.

– I help owners for Dog Food, Dog Care, Dog Training tips but I am Not Vet.

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