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The Baltimore Sun has been named one of the top daily sports sections in the country for 2016 and its Ravens/NFL special section was also honored as one of the best nationally. Competing in the largest publication category newspapers with a circulation of more than 175,000 The Sun finished in the Top 10 in daily and special sections in The Associated Press Sports Editors’ annual contest. The Sun also took honorable mention honors in Sunday sections and in the sports digital contest for websites with more than 2 million unique monthly visitors.

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The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more.This page is best viewed in an up to date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience.

RHP Nathan Karns, bothered by the heat and humidity on an 85 degree night, nonetheless pitched five shutout innings to beat Philadelphia on Tuesday. Karns, who yielded career highs of seven runs and nine hits while losing 8 3 to Kansas City in his previous start, surrendered three hits while striking out four and walking two. He also hit a batter and he hit a homer in the 1 0 win.

A crowd of 5,000 people got the chance to scream and cheap air jordans cheer their beloved Canucks, although one also jeered Cory Schneider when the new starting goalie was beaten cleanly on the first two shots he faced from student athletes. And we’re pretty sure the heckler wasn’t Roberto Luongo, who was at Disney World. At least Vancouver’s goaltending neurosis wasn’t locked out..

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A little history lesson on the guidelines and how some players ended up with certain numbers:The first major league team to put numbers on its uniforms was the Cleveland Indians in 1916, with numerals on the left sleeves. Because of complaints, those lasted only a few weeks. The St.

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Turmeric is a yellow spice most often associated with curry. Curcumin, which is the active substance in turmeric, has anti inflammatory properties. A 2014 study published in Clinical Intervention in Aging found that the spice also helps manage pain in people with osteoarthritis.

Bird spoke Tuesday evening after the world champions had vanquished the Bulls 110 106 in a visceral Stadium affair before 18,061 customers who needed their chairs only occasionally. Bird required a seat now, fighting fatigue and a bug, with a towel over his legs and a beer. He had played 42 minutes and watched Michael Jordan the other 6..

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Kiley Bechler is now 27 and remarried. She’s planning a move to Florida and is hoping to return to school to again pursue a nursing degree. Last year, her suit against the manufacturer of Xenadrine RFA 1 as well as dozens of other plaintiffs’ suits against the New Jersey based company was settled out of court.