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asics canada price Probably not many of you have heard of this little country somewhere in the centre of Europe, nevertheless, this article is not about tourism, but about sports. So I will describe to you how soccer is regarded in Romania. To start with, let me present the two strongest teams and the rivalry between them.

The two most important teams

The strongest and the share holder of the most titles is Steaua Bucharest, especially after winning Champions League in 1986 and later on reaching the finals. The club was founded on the 7th of June 1947 by the Sports Association of the Romanian Army and sine then they have struggled to win as many national and internationals titles. Of course, now there no longer is a connection between the soccer club and the Army, but represented the start. Their journey was not as easy one, overcoming many internal conflicts, such as the one regarding the manager being suspended.

The second strongest team and the old rival of Steaua isDinamo Bucharest, a club founded in 1948 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Of course, just like in the previous case, this club no longer has anything to do with that department. The matches between these two teams have always been watched with a great interest by the entire population, I can even say with a too great of interest.

Unforgettable moments

As it usually happens in any country when two rival team meet, the soccer match brings out the worst in some people. Letme remind you of the Heysel Stadium disaster when Liverpool fans breached a fence to reach Juvents fans on the 29th of Many 1985 leading to many deaths and several more injuries. Of course, nothing that tragic happened in Romania, but on the 10th of May 1997, the fans of Dinamo entered the arena of Ghencea with several coke bottles in which there was an incendiary substance, thus setting most of the place on fire. Since that moment, the derbies between the two have been held with closed dores,fans not being able to see the matches. But once the the sentence has passed, the fans would still start throwing whatever they had onto the pitch, form bottles, coins, torches and even mobile phones.

The emblematic player

The most important and renown Romanian soccer player is Gheorghe Hagi, now coach for a Romanian team Viitorul. In his youth, he was made 65 times the caption of the national team, leading them to 2 World Cups and two European Championships. He is still remembered under the No. 10 jersey for the clear passess and spectacular scored goals. Through the most important soccer moments I can list the 1994 World Championship match between Romania and Columbia where Hagi scored twice and the tie from the 1990 World Championship between Romania and Argentina.

It may not sound that great, but we Romanians are proud with our lot, our teams and we would back up the teams for better or for worse. This idea of a sports fanatic is also deeply rootedand we try our best to prove we are strong opponents. Article Tags: Most Important

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There are only a few days left before Kentucky Derby 2012 hits off. And today, marks a very important event on the 2012 Kentucky Derby. Today, they will hold their draw for post positions in the Run for the Roses and it??s going to have a huge affect on the odds of each horse. Yes, the starting position of a horse is very important to win. You would think that the No. 1 post position, onitsuka tiger canada price the one closest to the rail, would be ideal because it allows a horse to run the shortest distance to the finishline. That’s true, but a horse starting from the No. 1 post also stands a good chance of getting pinned against the rail. It’s not an accident that no horse has won from the No. 1 post since 1988. History favors horses starting from the middle, which is right around the No. 10 post. These are spots that give horses a chance to start out in front, and from there they can at least stay within striking distance.
Some expert handicappers at says that ‘If Bodemeister has a bad draw, then it’s got to be Union Rags,’ ‘And if Union Rags has a bad draw, it would be the other way around.’ Bodemeister and asics canada outlet Union Rags are some of several horses with a fantastic chance to win the Kentucky Derby and join the group of distinguished horses who have won the prestigious race.
With a just a few days before the action at Churchill Downs heats up, take a quick look on my Top 3 favorite horses ?? and asics canada official website definitely the horses I??m going to put my Kentucky Derby betting on. These horses willgive their competition a hard time on the racetrack no matter what their starting position is. And then the battle between these three ?? winning the race – depends on what position will they get.
Union Rags: Union Rags is a tremendous horse who has had some strong workouts leading up to Saturday’s big race. Trainer Michael Matz has done a wonderful job keeping Union Rags in top form over the past year, and the horse has responded with four victories in its last seven races. Unless something unexpected happens close to the race, expect Union Rags to finish no less than third at the Kentucky Derby.
Gemologist: Gemologist has won five straight races, and in those victories, has shown some tremendous speed and stamina by staying strong over long distances. Trainder Todd Pletcher has to be commended for his ability to keep Gemologist in top shape and condition race after race With great speed, power and stamina, it’s hard to imagine this horse having a poor showing on Saturday.
Bodemeister: Bodemeister became one of the Derby’s favorites after he kicked serious butt at the Arkansas Derby, winning by 9.5 lengths. Famous trainer and Kentucky Derby winner Bob Baffert has done a masterful job getting Bodemeister in top form ahead of the big race this weekend. Bodemeister has raced four times in 2012, finishing first twice and second twice. Bodemeister will be one of the best prepared horses at the Kentucky Derby and one of the top favorites to win the race.
So consider putting this three on your Kentucky Derby betting list. I am sure one of them will win it. And no one amongst them will get lower than 5th place on the race. Comment on my article if you agree or not.

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