Search Engine Optimization Marketing Utilizing Web 2.0 Part 1

Plan Your Content: Before you develop your site, make a list of all the possible search words and phrases you think a potential customer would use to locate your website. A research tool such as WordTracker can help you in this process. Write compelling, professional marketing content for your site that is rich with these search words and phrases, especially on your home page. Make pages about 250 words. Tip: Hire a professional web copywriter to write your site content.

The first rule of search engine ranking criteria is to get more hits and visits. To get hits from search engines, you need to be getting hits in the first place. This might sound difficult, but it’s easier than you might imagine. Make sure when you are putting key words, tags, and titles on your website that you are using unique words that will bring your product or service to mind. You will want to use terms that people will think of when they consider your product, but you will not want to use the words that everyone else uses. If you are selling diet foods, don’t just use “diet foods” as your key word. Be more specific. Think about exactly which foods you’re selling. This will limit your competition.

search engine news You create and submit your profile page. There are several websites out there that allow you to introduce yourselves in details and tell your readers who you are and what you do. On Facebook, LinkedIn, EzineArticles, Google Plus, and many other sites, this opportunity is given to the account holders to present themselves. Web copywriting peculiar to this type of content could help you tell a lot in a few words.

Being on top of the search engine results is the dream of every one with a website as most of those who search only check the first few results that the search engines give them. For that reason, the higher your search engine positioning, the better your chances are of earning revenues from your websites.

Both of these concepts are what search engine optimization is all about. Getting found for exactly the phrase (or product/service) that your potential customer is looking for.

If you have set up a blog as a venue for promoting your products and services, naturally you would want readers to visit your blog. The best way to do that is to grab one of the top spots in any search engine ranking using your keywords, and there are many search engine optimization tricks that can help you do that. But what comes after SEO? The answer to that is tapping social networking sites and grabbing the attention of your target audience. For search engines, you are who you associate with, after all. The one social networking site you will want to focus on when blogging about your products and services is none other than Facebook.

Many people might think that SEO is a complicated process. Though it is not too difficult, it can be a very tedious process. For those that have the means, hiring an SEO freelancer or SEO consultant is the best way to go. For those that want to accomplish boosting their search engine ranking themselves, below are some tips on how to get it accomplished.

Easy question: which would you prefer – being #1 at Google when people search for your domain name or being #1 when people search for baking supplies? This is why the anchor text you choose for the links you build is so important.