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The funds we acquired from the Sunward acquisition were used to advance the Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects (UKMP), specifically to advance the Arctic deposit towards pre feasibility. The first phase was to complete an in fill drill program at Arctic, collect in pit geotechnical (soil and rock), hydrological and waste characterization data and begin engineering studies with a budget of $5.5 million. During the summer field season, the Company completed fourteen diamond drill holes for a total of 3,056 meters drilled.

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One important factor is the risk of earthquakes. The Dead Sea Fault, an active seismic zone, runs the length of the Arava Valley and forms the border of two tectonic plates. According to the interim feasibility study1 commissioned by the World Bank, there is high risk of a major earthquake occurring within the operating life of the project, endangering pumping stations and the desalination plant.

Mahoney; Joseph R. Malm ; Jennifer D. Malone ; Jennifer E. The 2017 Northeast Weld County Fair Round Robin Showman winners gathered with sponsors of the junior cheap yeezy awards. Pictured, from left, are: Colby Walker, representing the Kasey Jo Warner Memorial, sponsor of the junior awards; Jaxson Samber, junior champion; Beau Carlson, junior reserve champion; Jayda Meyring, cheap air jordans senior champion; Kacyn Kessinger; senior reserve champion; and Naomi McEndaffer, representing the Vic and Elizabeth Hillman Memorial, sponsor of the senior awards. Members include: Bob Willich, president; Justin Hoozee, secretary; Brandon McEndaffer, treasurer; Bryce Carlson, fair manager; Mike Aimone, Scott Bates, Clay Carlson, Glenn Carlson, Cory Carr, Doug Deter, Gary Dollerschell, Ryan Draegert, Chad Frye, Bryan Funk, fake yeezys Patrick Halde, Jace Hickey, Ken Holzworth, Larry Hoozee, James Hove, Skip Johnson, Albert Kester, Susie Kester, Matt Kilmer, Joe Kimmel, Steve Kugler, Cyle Lambert, Jon Lynch, Brandon Mason, Bret McEndaffer, Cody McEndaffer, Guy McEndaffer, Scott Northrup, Jesse Petek, Morgan Pratt, Jerry Samber, Gary Sheffler, Scott Stump, Marla Tappy, Colby Walker, Jim Walker, Leroy Warboys, Troy Warboys, Dan Warner, Seth Whitlock, cheap yeezy Pat Woods, Monty Younglund and Zane Younglund..

Christina D. Fierro, Bachelor of Science, Accountancy; Finnigan R. Fisher, Bachelor of Science, Construction Engineering Management; Paul J. That was only four years ago, when not many outside golf circles knew Spieth. He’ll get more attention next time he arrives at St. Andrews.

Ray is a colon cancer survivor and cheap yeezy has worked for more than 20 years as a technician at Nelson Auto Center. His wife, Vicki, is an RN at Lake Region Healthcare. Their daughters Nicki (Dan) Gaines and Kelsey (Andy) Larsen live and work in Fergus Falls.

Kushner continued: “Prosecutors are used to getting the benefit of the doubt when a defendant criticizes the prosecution and says, ‘This is unfair.’ I got listened to more. The judge, frankly, gave me some credibility, and the story got out in the press and embarrassed them. Some of the stuff they did is pretty common, but they’re used to not being scrutinized.